Monday, January 28, 2008

Monday Evening

It's been a tough day.

Mikele asks this, "of her blog-reading friends: Does anyone know where bun-bun and thulley are? She's holding on tight to the little seal that Kelcie brought her, and an old dragon I got for her when she was small. But I think she'd really like to see bun-bun and thulley.

She was resting well when I left her. Bob is staying the night, and I'll head back in the morning. The nurses remind me that we are on the on-ramp, with a really long, winding road ahead of us.

Good night, everyone. Pray for endurance and strength for all of us."

Pic from 2001.


WalkingContradiction said...

Last I checked, 'thulie was on top of her computer desk, but I'll check around the house to see if I accidentally brought him with me. Kelcie and the gang that cleaned out Dorth's room should know.

Unknown said...

Dear Dorothy,

I’m so sorry for what you are going through it seems so unfair, I can’t even imagine the pain, frustration and fear you are feeling. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
I shared your story with the Stephen Ministry Group tonight and it touched their hearts (I will send your Blog link to them). They are all wonderful people and all promised to pray for you as well.

Dear Mikele and Bob,

You said they maybe moving Dorothy up to Santa Clara soon. And I just wanted to reiterate my offer; that our house has couple of spare rooms available (they’re not luxurious but they come with warm hearts), they’re yours if you can use them. Is their any other way we can be of support?


Doug and Lisa

Anonymous said...

I miss you Dorot. Can't think of anything else to say, just wanted you to know.

Anonymous said...

I read your comments on Gaia and then I think "When will that come back?" I can't wait for things to go back to normal. Have good recovery.

Anonymous said...

I remember Michelle looking for bun-bun. I think I remember where it is, and I could probably find thulie if I looked around really quick. If it's alright I can stop by sometime; it'd be easier than trying to explain all the places where they might be.

Also, I'm glad you like the seal, Dorot. I can't wait until you can name it. X_X

I was thinking...a name starting with a "l"...maybe...Lennon, Leon, or Liam. Ask her if she likes any of those names. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Hi Dorot, it's Taylor. It was sooooo
good to see you Sunday. I'm so glad your surgery went well. I know you have a big step coming with your rehab starting and I just know that you are going to rock! You have the best mama and daddy any girl could hope for. So lean on them and the Lord will take care of the rest. You are on our minds and in our prayers!
We will see you soon! =)

Alanna said...

hey there!!!
bun-bun is in a backpack that michelle packed for dorothy. it should be in her room, on the floor.

Anonymous said...

Dorothy (and Family),

I'm so glad to hear that you've been recovering and doing so well. My mom says it has to do with all your "Hushing stubborness" but I think it has to be tenacity if it's going toward such a good cause. You're so strong and should be proud of every advancement you make. I know we are.

My mom and I have been checking up with your blog everyday, and I want you to know that you're in the prayers of my family and friends.

Lots of Love Always,
Shaylagh (and Rebecca)

P.S. I spent two days staring at that picture on this update thinking that the other girl looked just like me. I even asked my mom and she said the girl looked like me, but she didn't remember the picture. It took until today for me to realize that the title of the photo is "DorthShay". Wow.