Saturday, January 26, 2008

Saturday Morning

Day 9. Mikele called on her way into the hospital this morning. We got the results of the CAT scan last night, and it's a good-news bad-news thing. The orbital bone isn't cracked. Both sides of her jaw are fractured. One fracture is non-displaced, which means the bones are in alignment. The other side is a minor displacement fracture - no chips, but a slight offset between the bones (28,29).


Romulus said...

Dorothy! We all love you SO MUCH and miss you dearly at school! Sending you a million hugs and kisses!
I am delighted to hear that each day you are recovering more and more...we are all praying for you=)
Much Blessings,
Lauren Castro

Unknown said...

Dorothy, everyone wishes for your speedy recovery. I miss you dearly and I am relieved that you gradually keep on getting better everyday. I hope to be able to sit next you soon in Alanna's ride!! Healthy tidings!
Lots of Love,
Amadeia Rector

Anonymous said...

Dorothy and Family...

Although I don't know you, you've all been in my thoughts and prayers since this accident happened. I was EXCITED to find your blog spot, and to see the updates. It's all looking WONDERFUL... Thank God... :)


Alanna said...

it's alanna again!!! i will prolly come to visit mikele today. i will bring a story for you! YAY!!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3
sending you prayers and smiles carebear!
allama (yeah i guess that nickname actually stuck!)

Anonymous said...

So, does this mean they have to wire your mouth shut. Well, that's lame. I was really hoping to hear your amazing insights really soon. We all know your deep like a... pool... of... water....

Anonymous said...

My cousin once broke his jaw and had to have it wired shut. He got tired of eating smoothies, so one day me and my brother and his brother got him a hamburger and put it in the blender and he ate that! Just be glad that you don't have to eat blended hamburgers!
Lots of love,
Rose Fortune

Anonymous said...

Prayer chain at Mt. Carmel Lutheran Church will be working overtime and the congregation shall say a prayer for her tomorrow.
With all our love,
Mary and Bob Christenson

Anonymous said...

Dorothy, there are so many people praying for you!! It has been a blessing to read about your progress and to see so many messages to you from people who love you. I have been praying constantly for you and your family since I read about your accident. Love to you and your mom from another Girl Scout sister,

Ruth Kuhn

Unknown said...

I'll be putting you in my pray request Dorothy, with the Los Altos United Methodist Church tomorrow and we'll get the prayer chain going around up here as well. You probably don't remember us; you were very young when we last saw you (Ask your Mom about us some time). But just know that we love you and are praying strong for your full recovery.
Love Lisa and Doug

Anonymous said...

I haven't checked the blog in a couple of days and I'm glad to see that "Miracles do Happen!" I'm so glad the angel that I placed on your shoulder has taken such good care of you.I don't imagine the liquid diet is going to be so good and tasty. As long as it gets you better and back to school for all of your friends. I guess their lunch time isn't as much fun without you. You better hurry back !