Monday, January 21, 2008

Monday Evening Later

Mikele called to add some new information. In all her stirrings, Dorothy has been avoiding moving her left arm, and there's been some concern that it may be paralyzed. Her tongue has also been quite swollen and damaged where she bit it. Mikele asked a doctor to look at it again, and he decided to do some minor surgery to improve the tongue. Even though they used Lidocaine to numb it, Dorothy got very agitated that they were messing with her tongue, and started flailing at their arms to stop them. Not only did this kid in a coma move in reaction to stimuli, but she used both arms! That's when someone commented that she had a broken clavicle, which was news to Mikele. So it's possible that she hadn't been moving her left arm, because of the pain from the broken collarbone - and having had it happen to me this Summer, I can tell you it hurts a lot! This feels like a really wonderful development! Pic from 2007.


Anonymous said...

she's going to smack someone upside the face :)

Anonymous said...

Joel and I just want you to know that Dorothy ansd your whole family are in our prayers. Please contact me for any needs such as meals, etc. I am the Helps minister at Santa Margarita Community Church. I can be reached at 438-5213.

God be with you,
Jeannie Anderson

Anonymous said...

It's good to hear that her arm is ok, and it's good that they found out about the clavicle now rather then half-way through its healing process.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I just figured out how to comment. I am so silly sometimes.

Anyways, I am so glad to hear she's doing better. And yeah, it's good that they caught her broken clavicle now instead of later.

Anonymous said...

Tim and Sandy want to send you our thoughts and prayers. We are so sorry about the accident. Bob and Mikele, we can't imagine what you are going through. Dorothy is young and strong. May the Lord's peace and love pour out to you and your family.

We'll keep praying for Dorothy!

The Hastings Family

Anonymous said...

Hi Mikele
Just want you to know that all the girl scouts are concerned about Dorothy and your family. My daughter, Nicole, remembers Dorothy from previous daycamps, etc. Our whole family is praying for a full recovery.
Take Care, Julie Smeltzer

Anonymous said...

To the Hushing-Klien Family,
Your family and especially Dorothy will be in our prayers every day through this difficult time.
Jim and Monica Firchow

Alanna said...

hey dorothy,
its around nine right now.
i just wanted to tell you that i love you. i am so glad you are recovering, it is such a blessing that the nurses are so attentive. they are like angels watching over you. good night carebear.


Anonymous said...

Austin Tompkins lifted you in prayer tonight at St William's Life Teen Leadership. We send our prayers for Dorothy and the family at this time of need.

Troylyn Lindsay

Anonymous said...

The Rich family, Susan, John, Brian, and Holly, are encouraged by Dorothy being able to move both sides of her body and respond to your voices. We hope she comes out of her coma soon. Dorothy, Mikele, Bob, and Tyler, we have you in our thoughts. Anything we can do to help in any way is just a call away.

ckingsbury said...

Dorothy and the Hushing-Kline family,
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. (I'm going to borrow one of Mrs. Turner's salutations:) Much love and sunshine,
Catherine Kingsbury

Unknown said...

Dorothy and family,
You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Chris has people praying in the O.C. and we at Cornerstone are praying for you, also! Please let us know if we can do anything! May you all fee God's peace at this time!
Love, Nancy and Nathan

WalkingContradiction said...

Feisty, just like Dorothy. She never did like people prodding at her at all. Sounds like she's still Dorth Vader even underneath all that medication.

She was just stubborn enough to contradict everyone's pessimism.


Anonymous said...

Debbie Chapman from G.S. Troop #555and family have been keeping Dorothy in our prayers. We also put her name on the Creston Community Church pray chain. God in with your family and Dorothy. Keep the Faith.
Love, Debbie Chapman

Anonymous said...

Bob, Mikele, Brighton, Tyler and especially Dorothy,

We are so blessed that you are doing this blog. You have been on our hearts and in our prayers since we heard, and it is a huge comfort to be able to know you Dorothy is progressing. Although of course the LORD knows, in our humanness it helps us to know just what to be praying. He has pressed you all on our hearts, and we think of you so often throughout the day. He tells us to bear one another's burdens and thus fulfill His law, so know that He has placed this weight upon us as well to lift you all up in prayer. With the love of Christ,
The Foldberg family

Anonymous said...

My daughter Celia and I saw the accident on our way home from Girl Scouts the other night. We are horrified to learn that involved a sister scout. Mikele, you were so kind to us at day camp when we moved to Atascadero 7.5 years ago and have been ever since and we will never forget. My own daughters were in a terrible car accident 12 years ago and I know the terrible helplessness. We are thinking of you and praying for Dorothy constantly.

Colleen, Chris, Claire and Celia Palermo

John said...

We want to let you know that Dorothy, especially, and the whole family is in our prayers. We can't imagine your circumstances at this point but we can pray and watch God’s hand as he does His will in this time of your life. Praise God that He is mighty and can do great and wonderful things.

John, Melody, Aimee and Michael Pietsch

Anonymous said...

Hi Dorothy! I've just sent out your new web site address to all the news media in the county! Now everyone can send you messages!
You need to wake up so you can tell me how annoyed you are with me! We didn't even use those chips you made for the Gypsy Ball -- you need to come up with another use for them! Create a game or something -- you're good at that!
I heard your dogs miss you - come home soon!
All our love to you and your family -- The Masons

Anonymous said...

Mikele and Family, Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. You'll have a long tough road ahead of you all. But I know that Dorothy and you are very strong and courageous.

Cammie Dalen, Phoenix, AZ

Anonymous said...

I hope that she is able to think and dream. Because I'm sure she'd be having some radical ones!

Anonymous said...

Mikele and family,
My thoughts and prayers have been with you and Dorothy and your family from the moment I read about the accident in the paper. I was so upset when I read about it. I can't even imagine what you must be going through, but I'm sure the love and prayers and support from family and friends are giving you strength during this difficult time and also aiding in Dorothy's recovery and progress. May Dorothy fully recover from this terrible tragedy.
God Bless the Hushing-Kline family,

Yvonne Smith said...


I am so sorry to hear about Dorothy. You are in my prayers. Please let me know if there is any way that I can be of assistance.

Yvonne Smith

Vance Wilson said...

Hi Dorothy, Bob, Mikele, Brighton and Tyler,
We left a messag at the other site sending our love and prayers your way...and words of encouragement! We went through a similar experience with my brother's daughter who was hit by a car in Denver, and in a coma, fully recovered...keep the faith. God is faithful...Psalm 139 we love you! You're in our prayers! The Wilsons, Vance, Athena, Christopher, and Andrew