Friday, April 25, 2008

Changing of the guard

Well, after much soul searching, I've come to the conclusion that my control-freak gotta-fix-it nature just won't let me do what is needed for Dorothy's recovery. So Bob is going to be taking over Dorothy's medical appointments and school stuff. And since I doubt he'll ever post to the blog, I guess this is "adieu" - that is, goodbye for now.

Thank you all for your concern and excellent advice, and for your continued support. I don't think I could have done it without you.


Anonymous said...

We would hate to not be able to keep up with Dorothy's progress. Do try to keep us updated on what's going on with her.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

We will continue to pray for your whole family. Anytime you have to post, even just a few words on how Dorothy is, we all would appreciate it so much. Until then-
God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for keeping us informed on Dorothy's progress. Without you there would have been alot of people just wondering just how is Dorothy doing. I personally would like for you (when time allows) to keep us updated on how Dorothy is doing. We will continue saying prayers for the whole family. Take Care!! Thank You Again for your hard work!!