Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Uncle Sumner comes for a visit!! and ENT update.

Uncle Sumner is visiting!! He had a business trip to Vandenberg - but he found out the launch was delayed after he was already on the plane (awwww, too bad!), so while he will be doing work during the day for the next two days, it looks like he can take Friday off, as well as having the weekend off to spend with us!! Yippee! Y'all may recall that my brother Sumner is the wonderful man who faithfully kept this blog together during those days when I couldn't even think past the end of my nose, much less get it together to compose blog posts.

Yesterday was a nice quiet day. Dorothy went to class from 11-3 and actually got some of her home-hospital work done - that's the academic stuff she has to catch up on. I went to the office and tried to not get in the way...

Monday we went to see the Ear Nose and Throat specialist about Dorothy's voice. While her voice is much improved since the accident, she still has nothing in the higher ranges, and her voice is very quiet. Dorothy wasn't ready to have her throat scoped after the horrible experience back in San Jose, but the doctor was able to tell us that it seems that, at least from listening to Dorothy speak, her voice appears to be recovering on it's own. Dorothy agreed that if her voice isn't much improved by the time her jaw is unwired, that we'll come back and have her vocal chords thoroughly checked out. Here's an interesting thing: on the way home we picked up a vanilla milkshake for D, and in the middle of enjoying that and chatting, suddenly D's voice was completely normal for about 5 minutes. It's as if her voice was saying "NO SCOPING, NO SCOPING!" So at least we know that the higher ranges and volume are still there. Coming back at their own rate.

Today we go see D's oral surgeon. We are hoping that her jaw is improved enough that he can set an actual date for the unwiring. Pray pray pray!! Dorothy's first order of business will be to start going to her Hospitality class - she says that although she could probably handle the class in a modified fashion now, the torture of creating all those great foods and not being able to eat them would just be too much!

1 comment:

Yvette Acord said...

Today I bought a magazine specifically because it has a recipe for chocolate soup (in deference to your wired jaws)! I promise that when you come back to Hospitality class we will make something soft and slurpable each day. Plus, Bobby has gotten pretty good at classic mousse au chocolat. We also have an industrial strength blender and I think some of our homemade soups would not be too objectionable in pureed form. We look forward to having you back as soon as you are able.