Saturday, February 16, 2008

Some new information - a question answered

The first policeman who arrived on the accident site came by the house last night. What a nice surprise! He brought a card for Dorothy, and we asked him in to visit. He gave us a report on what he saw at the scene, and was able to answer an important medical question for us. Who knew? He told us that when he and his partner arrived, Dorothy was not only pinned between the seats, but her throat was being choked by the seat back in front of her.

This effectively answers the question of why Dorothy's voice has been so long in coming back!! There were no marks on her throat after the accident, so it's been quite a puzzle understanding why it's taken so long. What a relief! Now we just need to get a confirmation from an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist locally, and find out the right way to encourage that part of her healing.

Thank you, Officer C!


Anonymous said...

Dorot, it was so good to see you yesterday. Sorry I wasn't able to make it to your house to visit yesterday. I had track practice and I didn't know if it was at 3 or after school or what, and then I went to a dinner party at Walter's. So, I shall come and see you this weekend. Maybe tomorrow or Monday. <3

Anonymous said...

oh well that's delightful...?

Anonymous said...

That . . . sounds painful. I guess it is a good thing to know how youwere injured, though. Well, I hope that it will shed light on how you may quickly recover.

Anonymous said...

it was so awesome to visit and catch up!!! it was also cool to help you remember things!! XD!!!
i have missed you so much, and i now my little beacon of light has returned!!! much love!