Friday, February 1, 2008

Friday Afternoon

Dorothy is working very hard at her new rehab job! She's been on a rolling tour of the rehab facility. She's already made some progress. She sipped soup and water without coughing. She said several words, mostly whispers. Mikele is being good about taking care of her nasty cold, by staying in bed and drinking fluids. Pic from 2005.


Unknown said...

Thanks sumner for the postings! Our family has been thinking of Dorothy often. This is a wonderful way to keep informed.
micki,jamie,jim, and chris robinson

Unknown said...

that is so great that dorthy is doing better and we r praying 4
her :) love
jamie wright

Anonymous said...

I am so excited to hear how well Dorothy is doing at rehab. What a sweet, strong girl. You all will stay in my thoughts and prayers.
Nurse Sarah

Anonymous said...

This is such AWESOME news... You are all still in my prayers... :) Thank you so much for keeping all of us posted. :)


Anonymous said...

Hey Dorothy, My name is Crystal and I went to AHS with your brother Brighton. When I heard of your accident, I immediately found out about the blog, and have been reading it everyday to see your progress. Myself and my boyfriend have been thinking about you and keeping you in our prayers. I am so glad you are getting better and better each day, and just keep it going and will be back to AHS in no time. TTYL, Crystal Clark

Melissa. said...

Great Job, D!
You're going to be home before you know it!

Anonymous said...

Bob, Mikele, and Dorothy; Thanks for keeping us updated. Your news is amazing! Backed by lots of prayer and support - and Dorothys young age, her recovery will continue to be amazing. Went thru something similar with a family member and it is so surreal - may take time, but it will get better.
On another note: micki - this is MRS. B from Flamson, years ago. I work at ASH down the hall from BOB!
God bless you all.

Anonymous said...

stay strong!
love sara